A while ago I was quite inspired by a friend and fellow photographer who took photos throughout a day in the life of her two children. What an awesome idea I thought! And I had grand intentions of shooting it on film.
That however did not happen.
Several weekend attempts were thwarted when my children decided they'd rather go to Grandmas than be harrassed by me and my camera.
But then.... it finally all came together. I'm so pleased with the results. This is a true blue day in the life of my two nutty kids. I'll make an album out of it sooner or later and hopefully it brings back some great memories for them when they look at it over the years to come.
Let me know what you think! Have you done something similar with your own kids?
This is Bailey. Red-headed, humourous, sensitive, caring, kind & generous, and an all round awesome kid. Also an extrememly avid reader. Finished this book in a day. I can't keep up!
I do believe this. So many people are always trying to find something to make them happy. The next big thing.. something exciting. The miracle is in learning to love what you have. Unless it's crap. Then of course seek the happiness!
Cheerios for lunch. I know, bad Mum, not healthy. But they've recently become known as "wee willy winkies" thanks to Maree & James's builder from "The Block"
Meet Ella. She's 5, fiesty, stubborn and scowls like you wouldn't believe. She's a lot like me, although not quite the tomboy I was. She loves Barbie, drawing, colouring and driving her mother nuts. As I write this I can hear "MUM! Bailey hit me! He hit me 5, 6 times!". She probably started it. I'm sure you can relate.
Did I mention he can be a complete clown? Always something funny happening when Bailey is around.
Ella bought some "friends" lego with her money she got from the Tooth Fairy. And a bit of a cash injection from Nan-Nan. She's not too keen on following the instructions... we made it up and she straight away pulled it apart and made her own thing. Yep. Rule breaker...
Rabbit fodder.
This is Alfie-Beastie. The Flemish Giant biting monster. Also affectionately known as many other things including "Be quiet, stop ripping up paper its 10pm!!" and "Nutbrown" from "Guess how much I love you".
Ella also loves to make potions. This is salt and fish food. No idea.. don't worry she didn't feed it to the fish!
A while ago I toured the house gluing eyes onto everything. Much fun. Kids loved it. Who knew a salt grinder could have such personality!
It was actually afternoon by this time... but I'm a bit hopeless at changing the lightbox. I figure its right at least once a day. A bit like a broken clock. Oh wait thats twice a day.
Monkey loves to hide in my bed. Or in fact anywhere that gets her out of doing what she's meant to be doing.
There's that missing tooth. She's only 5 and she's already lost 4!
Bath time!
Meet Squid. Bailey & Squid are pretty much soulmates. They pine without each other. Squid is a bit of a menace really - loves to headbut you and sit as close to your face as possible... especially when you're trying to watch TV.
But he's quite pretty
Looks just like her Mother really.
She can't see me, so of course I couldn't see her either.
HATES having her hair dried! I used to too.
This is Flump. My cat-cat. Always hiding somewhere having a snooze!
Bailey the very serious lizard
Who knew lizards can cook. I've been trying to teach him how to make a number of simple things. Hopefully this way he will find a girlfriend and move out before he's 30.
Quite impressed at the pea action haha
No idea what this face was in response to, but pretty typical!
And more reading.....
Not even sure why i took a photo of these... he finished reading them about a week after I bought them. Must be time to pass them on to Ella. I fondly remember Roald Dahl from my own childhood... I particularly loved the BFG, Witches and James & the Giant Peach. Bailey informs me his favourite is Georges marvelous medicine. Don't even remember that one!
A while ago I was quite inspired by a friend and fellow photographer who took photos throughout a day in the life of her two children. What an awesome idea I thought! And I had grand intentions of shooting it on film.
That however did not happen.
Several weekend attempts were thwarted when my children decided they'd rather go to Grandmas than be harrassed by me and my camera.
But then.... it finally all came together. I'm so pleased with the results. This is a true blue day in the life of my two nutty kids. I'll make an album out of it sooner or later and hopefully it brings back some great memories for them when they look at it over the years to come.
Let me know what you think! Have you done something similar with your own kids?
This is Bailey. Red-headed, humourous, sensitive, caring, kind & generous, and an all round awesome kid. Also an extrememly avid reader. Finished this book in a day. I can't keep up!
I do believe this. So many people are always trying to find something to make them happy. The next big thing.. something exciting. The miracle is in learning to love what you have. Unless it's crap. Then of course seek the happiness!
Cheerios for lunch. I know, bad Mum, not healthy. But they've recently become known as "wee willy winkies" thanks to Maree & James's builder from "The Block"
Meet Ella. She's 5, fiesty, stubborn and scowls like you wouldn't believe. She's a lot like me, although not quite the tomboy I was. She loves Barbie, drawing, colouring and driving her mother nuts. As I write this I can hear "MUM! Bailey hit me! He hit me 5, 6 times!". She probably started it. I'm sure you can relate.
Did I mention he can be a complete clown? Always something funny happening when Bailey is around.
Ella bought some "friends" lego with her money she got from the Tooth Fairy. And a bit of a cash injection from Nan-Nan. She's not too keen on following the instructions... we made it up and she straight away pulled it apart and made her own thing. Yep. Rule breaker...
Rabbit fodder.
This is Alfie-Beastie. The Flemish Giant biting monster. Also affectionately known as many other things including "Be quiet, stop ripping up paper its 10pm!!" and "Nutbrown" from "Guess how much I love you".
Ella also loves to make potions. This is salt and fish food. No idea.. don't worry she didn't feed it to the fish!
A while ago I toured the house gluing eyes onto everything. Much fun. Kids loved it. Who knew a salt grinder could have such personality!
It was actually afternoon by this time... but I'm a bit hopeless at changing the lightbox. I figure its right at least once a day. A bit like a broken clock. Oh wait thats twice a day.
Monkey loves to hide in my bed. Or in fact anywhere that gets her out of doing what she's meant to be doing.
There's that missing tooth. She's only 5 and she's already lost 4!
Bath time!
Meet Squid. Bailey & Squid are pretty much soulmates. They pine without each other. Squid is a bit of a menace really - loves to headbut you and sit as close to your face as possible... especially when you're trying to watch TV.
But he's quite pretty
Looks just like her Mother really.
She can't see me, so of course I couldn't see her either.
HATES having her hair dried! I used to too.
This is Flump. My cat-cat. Always hiding somewhere having a snooze!
Bailey the very serious lizard
Who knew lizards can cook. I've been trying to teach him how to make a number of simple things. Hopefully this way he will find a girlfriend and move out before he's 30.
Quite impressed at the pea action haha
No idea what this face was in response to, but pretty typical!
And more reading.....
Not even sure why i took a photo of these... he finished reading them about a week after I bought them. Must be time to pass them on to Ella. I fondly remember Roald Dahl from my own childhood... I particularly loved the BFG, Witches and James & the Giant Peach. Bailey informs me his favourite is Georges marvelous medicine. Don't even remember that one!
Beautiful, Jane!